White Rose Instruments

WRI History

As of 19 July 2005

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It started harmlessly enough as a sience project for their daughter’s second semester of high school physics - covering sound and electricity. Jeff thought it would be a great experience for Elizabeth to learn how an an electric guitar works by helping make one. At the last minute Jeff got cold feet and didn't know if he could actually pull off the ambitious through-body necked electric guitar he had planned. Well, he built that guitar and the rest is history. The current count of instruments is:
Jeff - 1 electric guitar, 4 acoustics,
Rose - 1 violin from a kit, 1 upright bass experiment, plans for a mandolin

After Jeff finished the latest set of instruments their daughter moved off to college with Myrtle and Thumper in hand. And Rose and Jeff decided to move to Llano Texas and build a shop big enough for their various woodworking projects. But we found we also needed to build a house to go with the shop! As of this writing Rose is still painting several rooms, and Jeff is working on the massive amounts of built in cabinets. Within a year they hope to have the house and shop finished and will get back to some instrument building and woodcarving.

If you wish to contact White Rose Instruments email: WhiteRose@WhiteRoseInstruments.com
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